A Powerful Night of Music and Message [Review]

Colorado musicians contribute to NoDAPL cause

By Eric Frank
Friday, December 9, 2016

On Thursday, December 8, COjam: The Colorado Jam Scene hosted Stand Up For Standing Rock, a benefit concert supporting the water protectors at Standing Rock in North Dakota.

Held at The Oriental Theatre in Denver's Berkeley neighborhood, the event drew crowds who themselves were looking to do something to help the #NoDAPL cause. In sacrificing a small amount of their hard earned money, funds were raised for food and meals, Porta-Johns, trash collection, hand washing stations, community shelters and tents, emergency management teams, firewood, propane and other supplies. What the fans got in return was an extraordinary night of high quality music, art and activism.

Hosted by KUVO's Venus Cruz, the night began with a prayer - a prayer thanking the water protectors for standing up for what's right and a prayer thanking Mother Earth, the four winds, the Heavens and cosmos. After two brief acoustic acts Jess and Em Possible, the first band of the night - Genetics - were ready to hit the stage. And hit the stage they did...

Having not seen a Genetics set for over a year, I was truly impressed with their musicianship and song-writing ability. Their hour long set was well thought out, showcasing both original music and covers, the latter of which reached a pinnacle in David Bowie's Fame.  Check out Genetics' full set below, courtesy of I Was There Productions.

As Genetics left the stage, the most powerful portion of the evening would commence, including a performance from Oyukpe - ALakota Drum Group, complete with jingle dancers and Matene Strikes First, a youth leader and singer/song-writer. During these performances, the audience would be highly engaged and attentive, enough to hear a pin drop during interludes. The message was powerful and inspiring resulting in more than a few tears shed. This is what it was all about. This was why the movement had gained so much momentum. Check out the fan video below.

Thanks to bad-ass bassist Fleeb Thomas for playing and capturing this moment!

Next up was the musical highlight of the night, a super-jam that included some of the top musicians in all of Colorado. The music primarily consisted of 70's era funk, but reached into the blues and soul genres as well. An impressive lineup included Gabe Mervine (The Motet), Jonathan Huvard (Fox Street), Tori Pater (Polytoxic, Dyrty Byrds), Devon Parker (Analog Son), Kim Dawson (Pimps Of Joytime), Blake Mobley (Tiger Party), Will Trask (The RunniKine), Mike Tallman and Austin Zaletel (Eufórquestra), Megan Letts (Mama Magnolia), Dan Schwindt (Kyle Hollingsworth Band, Juno What?!), Trevor Jones (Frogs Gone Fishin'), Eric Frank (yours truly, of Art Smart Anatomy), members of Eminence Ensemble and more. I mean, c'mon...

After the face-melting super-jam, one final act hit the stage: the powerful and highly danceable Afrobeat outfit known as Atomga. The final hour of the night was a full-throttle dance party that continued the theme of the event - that together, we can and WILL prevail. Atomga's message resounded with the crowd in a fun and meaningful set to cap off a truly inspiring evening.


Bus To Show :: Eminence Ensemble, Greener Grounds at Caribou Room


JUBILINGO :: Featured Artist, December 2016